To get a Premium status, you need to make a donation and contact the server administration in Discord.
- $5/month or $50/year ($10 off)
- Golden (donator) status in the project's Discord.
- Golden nickname color in the scoreboard, chat messages, and when viewed by others.
- Accelerated perk leveling x1.5 (or 2 headshots for sniper with 50% chance).
- Additional +5 KG backpack capacity.
- Increased chance of ammunition drops (ammo, medkits, and armor) when killing monsters.
- Respawn faster - 30 seconds instead of 60 on regular waves, and 150 seconds instead of 300 on the final wave.
- 100% ammo on respawn (50% for regular players).
- 200 Health and 200 Armor on respawn (100 for regular players).
- No penalty on death, which usually adds extra seconds to the respawn timer.
- No loss of money on death.
- Crosshair for all types of weapons.
- Protection for dropped weapons (your weapons cannot be picked up by other players).
Note: The Premium features list may be changed at any time without notification to players.