Our community is open to people of diverse views and nationalities and does not contain modern (anti-traditional) agenda - you can express your opinion in a way that is convenient for you. We DO NOT condemn you for any actions as long as they do not contain personal insults and do not harm the project.

  1. Insulting players and provoking conflicts.
  2. Exploiting server bugs or maps to boost one's own or others' perks.
  3. Inflicting damage to health or armor to boost one's own progression or that of other players.
  4. Manipulation of the game statistics in any form.
  5. Using cheats and third-party software.
  6. Flood, cluttering voice or text chat (including "DJ-ing").
  7. Griefing (intentionally creating obstacles for other players).
  8. Dealing damage or killing players on your own team.
  9. Inappropriate, advertising, or default nicknames from pirate game versions (you can change the default nickname in Steam settings or in the rev.ini file for pirate game versions). Nickname length is from 3 to 20 characters, allowed characters: a-Z 0-9 !,.-_^*$@#(){}[]|<>+.
  10. Any type of harmful actions to the project or its players.
  11. Representing yourself as administration.
  12. Unreasonable votes for the kick of other players.
  13. Advertising of other gaming projects.

Last update: 11 November 2023.

The administration reserves the right to change the game rules without notifying players.

For violating rules # 2, 3, 4, you may receive punishment in the form of removing levels from perks or a complete reset of your progression.

For violating rules # 5, 10, you may receive a permanent hardware and IP ban on all servers and the website with no possibility of appeal.

For repeated violations of any rule or numerous complaints from other players, you can get a punishment at the discretion of the administration.

If administration is present in the game, for first-time violations, you may receive a verbal warning or be kicked for one gaming session.

In case of multiple violations, penalties will be cumulative.

Please leave screenshots and video evidence of violations on our Discord server.

© cuzus.net