Forget about searching for ammo, health kits, and armor on maps!

The game has a standard mechanic where you earn money for killing monsters. So why can you only get money and not other bonuses? We decided to fix this!

On our servers, there is an automatic ammunition refill system that allows you to instantly refill ammo, health, and armor when you kill monsters.

Refills are tied to chances, which vary depending on the server's difficulty level:

  • Hard and below: 5% chance for ammo, health, and armor upon killing any monster
  • Suicidal: 4% chance for ammo, health, and armor upon killing any monster
  • Hell on Earth: 3% chance for ammo, health, and armor upon killing any monster

Ammo: +10%/20%/30% (randomly) to each weapon's ammo, refilled instantly Health: 40 or 60 (randomly), half refilled instantly and the other half over time every second Armor: 25 or 50 (randomly), half refilled instantly and the other half over time every second
