1️. Respect fellow users: Treat other members with respect. Any abusive or inflammatory comments are strictly prohibited. Repeated violation of this rule after two warnings from moderators will result in removal from the community.
2️. Post in appropriate channels: Ensure your messages are posted in the relevant channels. Messages in the wrong topic area will be relocated to the correct channel by moderators.
3️. No spam: All automated messages, advertisements, and links to competitor websites will be promptly deleted to maintain the integrity of the community.
4️. No harassment: Threats or harassment towards other users will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Any instance of such behavior is grounds for immediate removal from the community.
5️. No adult content: Strictly refrain from posting profanity or pornography. Any posts containing adult material will be promptly deleted.
6️. No illegal content: Reposting of copyrighted materials or any other illegal content is strictly prohibited. Any such posts will be swiftly deleted to ensure compliance with the law.
7️. No cheating allowed: Any form of cheating is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate BAN. This includes, but is not limited to, the usage of third-party software like L2Walker, Adrenaline, Hlapex, Macro programs, etc.
8️. No exploiting in-game issues: It is forbidden to take advantage of any in-game bugs, such as bugged quests with rewards higher than normal, making trains where mobs get stuck in walls, etc.
9️. No Real Money Trades: RMT (Real Money Trades) is strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent ban of all accounts involved.