AUTOMATION AND BOTS ARE ALLOWED - feel free to use any automation program (e.g. L2Walker, Adrenaline) to control your character. However, please understand that this does not grant you the right to use cheats and exploits, and any attempt at cheating will result in IMMEDIATE PERMANENT BAN on the project.
- Tutorial Guide as a server menu
- Shift+Click monster drop/spoil info
- Offline trading (put your character on trade and just exit the game)
- Weight of all items in the game is slightly reduced for greater inventory capacity
- Global chat via plus symbol
- NO Death Penalty (Chronicle 4 balance)
- NO SA crystals in Luxor (Chronicle 4 balance)
- NO Elixirs and Herbs (Chronicle 4 balance)
- Berserker Spirit skill can be used on monsters and bosses (Chronicle 4 balance)
- Automatic calendar events (Squash, Christmas, Valentine's, L2Day, Medals)
- The minimum number of players for a Festival: 1
- The minimum number of players for Four Sepulchers: 2
- Teleport protection: 3 seconds
100% Classic server without add-ons!
- Enchant: maximum +16, safe +3
- Enchant rates: 60% for weapons, 50% for armor and jewelry
- Buffs: 20 + 4 (standard)
Too easy or too hard? This server is for you!
- Enchant: maximum +16, safe +3
- Enchant rates: 60% for weapons, 50% for armor and jewelry
- Buffs: 20 + 4 (standard)
- Bosses and Epics respawn every 48 hours
- B-A grade item shop, consumables, shots, and tattoos for Adena
- Free buff scrolls
- Auto-learning of skills
- Profession change for Adena
- De-leveling service for Adena
Want to be an admin in the world of Lineage 2? This is the place for you!
- Hero status, noblesse, and subclass upon login
- Quest items and teleports to Epics and Bosses for free
- Enchant: maximum +50 for weapons, +25 for armor and jewelry, safe +10
- Enchant rates: 75% for weapons, 70% for armor and jewelry
- Buffs: 48 + persist through death
- Bosses and Epics respawn every 12 hours
- All items available in shop for free
- Free buff scrolls
- Auto-learning of skills
- Free profession change
- Free de-leveling service