Servers Update 2023.12.17

·3 min. read·
  • Perk levels and bonuses
    • All players temporarily can choose any perk level (0-100); default leveling is set to maximum and will not be saved during the testing period.
    • Servers have level restrictions on perks according to difficulty (your perk level will be automatically raised/lowered upon entry, allowable levels are indicated in server names).
    • Perk bonuses at level 100 are close to classic level 6 perk values but still have higher values for a more comfortable gameplay; some parameters will change in the next month.
    • Discounts in the store and the number of carried rounds have been removed (store prices and carried ammo are the same for everyone)
  • New perk: Gunslinger (perk bonuses already added but will be announced later).
  • Support Specialist: Slowing Grenade (adapted from old servers without changes).
  • Berserker: Repelling Grenade (adapted from old servers without changes).
  • Field Medic: Adrenaline Syringe is now available through alternative fire (middle mouse button)
    • The value must replenish to 150 before the syringe becomes available.
    • The syringe can only be applied to other team members with perks from any class except Field Medic.
    • Adrenaline provides a slight boost to movement speed, attack speed, and reload speed, as well as increases the damage.
  • Medkit/Armor/Ammo Drop

    • ALL items are removed from ALL maps; Basic ammunition will drop from monsters or appear near players - there is no need to be in a specific map location where ammunition is placed 🤡.
    • On regular waves, players automatically receive Medkits/Armor/Ammo upon killing monsters - there is no need to run to the killed monster to pick up a specific box; it activates immediately after the monster's death.
    • On Patriarch waves, Medkits/Armor/Ammo will appear in the locations where Patriarchs took damage (time and spawn points are randomly chosen).
    • It is possible that in the near future, we will return to semi-automatic or manual box pickup with some improvements; alternative options are being tested.
  • Voodoo Doll

    • In case ammunition is completely depleted for any reason, we have added a new starting item - the Voodoo Doll.
    • With the Voodoo Doll, you can deal damage to surrounding monsters from a safe distance and thus try to get a box of Ammo out of them.
    • The Voodoo Doll does not run out (it can be used indefinitely).
    • Damage is slightly higher than on a regular Knife.
    • Perk leveling will not apply to the Voodoo Doll, and it is recommended to use it only in emergency situations.
  • Game Messages
    • Messages are displayed at the center bottom of the screen upon killing monsters and picking up boxes.
    • In this feed, you can see the number of points earned, the type and percentage of replenishment from the picked-up boxes, as well as combo kills of monsters of the same type several times in a row within the last 5 seconds.
  • Scoreboard Enhancements
    • Points and the number of deaths have been added.
    • Respawn time is displayed in the health field (similar to old servers).
  • No need to manually add all servers anymore - upon entering any server, the rest will be automatically added to favorites.
  • Server names now include difficulty levels for convenient sorting.
  • Patriarch spawn cameras have been removed.
  • Weapon prices in the store have been corrected.
  • Bugs with infinite ammunition have been fixed.

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