This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about the game and our servers. Before reporting your issue, make sure it's not listed below.
The ready button may be inactive in two cases:
- #1 If your character is still in the game (critical client errors and force game closing via task manager).
- To resolve the issue, you need to wait approximately 30-60 seconds for your character to be completely removed from the game and then try to join the server again.
- #2 If, for some reason, the database is not responding to the data loading request.
- To resolve the issue, you need to try joining into other servers of the project and determine whether this problem is temporary or permanent. If there are no people on other servers and you also cannot see enabled ready button, most likely the problem is global and requires contacting the administration.
Download the following patch (for english game version):
Fix manually:
- Set the game language to any language other than Russian in the Steam library (for example: right-click on the game -> Properties -> Language -> English).
- Open the System folder of the game client at path to your steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System.
- List of files to edit:
- Open each file one by one and make the replacements according to the table:
Find Replace
ROFonts.ROBtsrmVr ROFonts_RUS.ROArial
ROFontsTwo.ROArial24DS ROFonts_Rus.ROArial24
ROFontsTwo.ROArial22DS ROFonts_Rus.ROArial22
ROFontsTwo.ROArial18DS ROFonts_Rus.ROArial18
ROFontsTwo.ROArial14DS ROFonts_Rus.ROArial14
ROFontsTwo.ROArial12DS ROFonts_Rus.ROArial12
ROFontsTwo.ROArial9DS ROFonts_Rus.ROArial9
ROFontsTwo.ROArial7DS ROFonts_Rus.ROArial7
Credits to this page.
Let's answer to the question "why the pirated version is not supported":
- It's illegal.
- It threatens the integrity of gameplay (cheats and faking of the game data).
- The number of players in our community who have requested a pirated version access remains very low.
Updated: 20 Dec 2024
Unfortunately, we have made the decision to discontinue restoring perks for old players who haven't played on the servers or appeared in the project Discord for over a year. However, you can support our project and receive perks as a reward for your donation. Additionally, there is an option to purchase Premium, which will help you easily and quickly upgrade your perks!
- Blood Points are the currency of our servers, used to purchase items and perform various actions in the game.
- You can earn Blood Points by completing daily tasks.
- Defeat will be counted if the first wave has been completed and all players died after the "second chance" or on the boss wave.
- Victory is counted after successfully defeating the boss.
- Press F4 button or use the following console command:
behindview 1
- The default cache retention period is 30 days.
- Open
and find the parameterPurgeCacheDays=30
. - Replace
or another desired value. - This change will prevent the need to re-download server files.