Servers Update 2024.04.13

·1 min. read·
  • Launched two new servers:

    • Gun Game VS Zeds - "ladder" game with weapons against monsters; the player who passes through all types of weapons faster than others wins. (read more)
    • Snipers VS Husks - playing as a Sharpshooter against Husks with a new shooting techniques; the player who reaches 100 frags faster than others wins. (read more)
  • Now you can support us and get a Premium status that provides an additional comfort in game and can speed up your perks leveling.

  • Fixed requirements gain when using Camo Shotgun, M7A3, ZED Gun weapons.
  • Increased damage of Seeker Six by +10%.
  • Disabled respawn at the death location due to the low effectiveness of this method; players will respawn as before, near the remaining living players.

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